The Empty Grave Society
Over the centuries, we’ve been called Nazarenes, Followers of the Way and Christians. We celebrate the most important event in history – the Empty Grave. We often make it too complicated, so here it is in a nutshell – God loves us, Christ died for us, and the Empty Grave is proof of what He did and the power behind it.
In the past 2,000 years, we have transformed countries, brought down political systems, reached new continents, created vast educational systems and cared for more of the sick, poor and dying than we can count. I’ll be the first to admit that we’ve screwed up a lot along the way as well. But in shrinking from our failures, we’ve given up too much ground. We need to learn from our mistakes, stand up and get back to work.
EGS Gear
I’m just an average Joe, and honestly, I’m not always good at starting a conversation about my faith. I wanted something to help, so I thought, “Hey, I’ve got to wear clothes – why not design something cool that gets people to ask us about my faith.” That’s why EGS Gear features symbols from Empty Gravers throughout the centuries and around the world, paired with verses in foreign and ancient languages. If someone asks you what’s on your shirt, tell them it’s a Chi-Rho, Maltese Cross or Triquetra, explain what it means and give them a quick summary of the verse. See? The conversation is already started…
Let’s make a difference together. It’s time to get back to work.
Stand Up. Set the Standard. Keep the Faith!